CLICK HERE to watch the Spelling Championship!
Zoom link will be live at 8:55 a.m. on March 6

Spelling Bee TCOE 2025

2025 Tulare County Spelling Championship

The Tulare County Spelling Championship is the preliminary competition for our region for the Scripps National Spelling Bee. This event is open to all fourth through eighth grade Tulare County students (public, private & homeschool).

Our county spelling champion will have the opportunity to go on to represent Tulare County at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Maryland in May, 2025! 

  • Registration: Submit the  Intent to Participate form online by December 15, 2024. Upon receipt of the Intent to Participate, we will register your school for both the Tulare County Spelling Championship and the Scripps National Spelling Bee Program.
  • Fee: Schools will be invoiced $50  (TCOE will pay $135 of the $185 Scripps registration fee for each school). 
  • Guidelines: Preliminary rounds are conducted at the school sites with classroom and/or school-wide spelling bees. The top two students from each school (one champion and one alternate) are eligible to attend the countywide championship. Each year over 100 spellers are expected to compete. PLEASE NOTE: Only one student per school (the champion speller) will participate in the county spelling bee. Alternates will only spell in the competition if the champion speller from their school is unable to participate.

Tulare County Spelling Championship:

  • All spellers and alternates will receive a Tulare County Spelling Champion t-shirt.
  • Spellers will also receive a commemorative neck medallion and Certificate of Spelling Excellence.
  • Trophies, cash awards and prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place!

Participating schools will receive:

  • Exclusive online access to the teachers-only section of the Scripps National Spelling Bee website (
  • All materials needed for use in conducting classroom and school spelling bees including official pronouncer guides and word study lists for students.
  • The Great Words, Great Works reading list with all source books, organized by reading level.
  • Customizable certificates for your participants and school champion.
  • Britannica Online for Kids: A one-year subscription to Britannica Online for Kids to award to your school champion (a $75 value)BONUS: If your school enrolls on or before September 30, 2024, your school will receive TWO one-year subscriptions to Britannica Online for Kids - great for school spelling bee prizes!

Thursday, March 6, 2025
8:30 a.m. ~ Speller Check-in
9:00 a.m. ~ Event begins

Tulare County Office of Education 
Redwood Conference Center
6200 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia

Zoom Link: 
The l
ink will be live at 8:55 a.m. on March 6

Event Resources: 

Event Contact:
Brook Killingsworth
(559) 733-6326

Click below for video recap: 
2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee "BEE WEEK"
See what it's all about!

Click here for sponsorship opportunities or email for more details!

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Spelling Bees - How do you spell w-o-r-t-h-w-h-i-l-e?

Let's help students improve their spelling skills and increase their vocabularies – all through the fun of spelling bees! There are many benefits from this fun activity.

Learning Grammar
Preparation for a bee is a comprehensive learning process that encourages children to learn the definition, pronunciation, and roots of words.

Enhancing Vocabulary
The valuable learning outcome of spelling bees result in children gaining competency in spelling, reading and writing. The understanding of more words will improve literacy and allow children to enjoy reading a wider range of material.

Competitive Spirit
Spelling bees allow individuals to compete in a supportive environment. The brain activity and excitement that goes with a spelling bee is just as stimulating as a physical competition. A positive energy is created as students interact, support one another and cultivate friendships.

Greater Knowledge
Learning words can get students interested in tracing the origin of a word and its etymology. This information will enhance the knowledge base of a child, and motivate them to develop a keen interest in learning new words.

Cognitive Skills
Spelling bees allow children to develop cognitive skills including the ability to handle pressure. The learning process enhances a child's memory and helps them develop word analysis skills, which proves to be beneficial during higher education.

A spelling bee helps them gain the confidence they need to speak in public and accept their mistakes, while also earning the applause their hard work deserves.

2024 Tulare County Champion Sarvadnya Kadam (Oak Grove School, Visalia)
competing in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington DC!