
2025 Results

Tulare County Finalists Advancing to the California State Science Fair

  • Abrielle Solmantil
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Angles in the Air
  • Caylen Wong
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Filter Face-Off
  • Jose Dorado
    Summit Charter Intermediate Academy, Porterville
    Ocean Clean-Up
  • Joseph Landucci
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Pervious Concrete
  • Angela Aguilar and Edwin Marquez Gonzalez
    Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
    Restoration California Dairy Lands/Capinero Creek
  • Madeline Phan
    Three Rivers Elementary School, Three Rivers
    What's the Squeeze?

Top Six in Elementary Division

  • Astrid Bailey
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Can You Make Soap Better?
  • Lilly Belle Clark and Jalissa Vasquez
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Germs Galore!
  • Decker Christenson and Quinn Christenson
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Comparing Comprehension
  • Robert Lowder
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Cloud Growth
  • Ryan Musson
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Shocking Voltage
  • Nathan Magdaleno
    Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
    Let's Bounce

Category Awards

Behavioral & Social Sciences

1st Place
Carolina Arrieta and Estrella Chaidez
Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
Groove to the Beat: How Different Tunes Make Your Heart Dance

Earth & Space Sciences

1st Place
Angela Aguilar and Edwin Marquez Gonzalez
Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
Restoration California Dairy Lands/Capinero Creek

Engineering & Mathematics

1st Place
Jose Dorado
Summit Charter Intermediate Academy, Porterville
Ocean Clean-Up

2nd Place
Kevin Tang
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Worth the Weight

3rd Place
Abrielle Solmantil
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Angles in the Air

Life Sciences

1st Place
Xiomara Iribe and Janeth Lopez Cano
Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
Blood Splatter

2nd Place
Emma Green
Three Rivers Elementary School, Three Rivers
Nutty for Acorns

Physical Science: Chemistry

1st Place
Madeline Phan
Three Rivers Elementary School, Three Rivers
What's the Squeeze?

2nd Place
Caylen Wong
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Filter Face-Off

3rd Place
Joseph Landucci
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Pervious Concrete

Physical Sciences: Physics

1st Place
Ryland Lang
Three Rivers Elementary School, Three Rivers
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue. Does Stroop Affect You?

2nd Place
Dean Wong
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Trigger Warning

3rd Place
Elisabeth Freed
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Harness the Wind



Community Choice Awards

Budding Young Scientist
Robert Lowder
Westfield Elementary School, Porterville
Cloud Growth

Most Educational
Angela Aguilar and Edwin Marquez Gonzalez
Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
Restoration California Dairy Lands/Capinero Creek

Most Innovative
Carolina Arrieta and Estrella Chaidez
Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
Groove to the Beat: How Different Tunes Make Your Heart Dance

Best Presentation
Xiomara Iribe Chaidez and Janeth Lopez Cano
Alpaugh High School, Alpaugh
Blood Splatter Patterns