NGW logo for July 24

Educators invited to attend Second Annual CTE Summit

Tulare and Kings county career technical education (CTE) teachers and administrators are invited to the Second Annual CTE Summit, planned for September 19 at the Tulare County Office of Education’s (TCOE) Mooney Boulevard building. The full-day training was designed to bring education, workforce, and industry partners together to continue the work of building a regional talent pipeline.

The summit will feature a variety of breakout sessions on topics that include pathway development, dual enrollment, middle school program expansion, work-based learning, career and technical student organization (CTSO) program success, grant writing, and more.

Ashley Swearengin, president and CEO of the Central Valley Community Foundation, will be the summit’s keynote speaker. Swearengin oversees the foundation that serves the six counties of Central California and has secured over $600 million in charitable contributions and grant funds to support nearly 1,000 civic organizations in the past five years alone.

Read more  in the News Gallery Week.

Profiles in Character

Erik NavarroRedwood High School senior Erik Navarro played an integral part in the Tulare County Office of Education’s Third Annual Convocation, held in August. The event, which brought together over 1,500 employees at the Visalia Convention Center, featured a number of team-building activities and celebrations, plus information about past accomplishments and a glimpse into the future. One of the key features of Convocation was a series of four videos about employees living TCOE’s Core Values – Build Trusting Relationships, Communicate With Care, Grow and Empower, and Commit to Serve.

As an intern for the Communications Department, Erik created the four Core Values videos – crisscrossing the county to film 25 employees at their jobs and record interviews with each of their supervisors. Erik modeled the CHARACTER COUNTS! Pillars of Character, in particular showing tremendous responsibility and trustworthiness in independently developing the videos in just eight weeks. The videos were beautifully made and warmly received by the honorees and the entire TCOE family.

After Erik spoke at Convocation to thank the honorees and their supervisors for helping him to make the videos, and for giving him a glimpse our organization’s work, Tulare County Superintendent of Schools Tim Hire said to the crowd, “If this isn’t what we’re all about, I don’t know what is!” – a reference to Erik’s experience as a valued intern.


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Members of the media in need of information about the Tulare County Department of Education can contact Communications Director Robert Herman at or (559) 733-6606 ext.1104.