TCOE Theatre Company

Welcome to the TCOE Theatre Company page! Here you will discover all there is to know about who we are and what we do. Use the links on the left or in the menu to learn about our program and its history, our amazing staff, the callboard for auditions, and upcoming classes and workshops. You may also purchase tickets when available, make a donation, and sign up for our mailing list to receive exciting Theatre Company announcements directly in your inbox.

The goals of TCOE Theatre Company include teaching solid fundamental theatre skills, providing quality training in acting, voice, and dance, instilling professional discipline and work ethics, establishing career connections, and giving young people a safe and challenging place to create and express themselves. Our programs are open to 1st-12th grade students who either live in or go to school in Tulare County and scholarships are always available.

The Theatre Company offers a constant stream of workshop and performance opportunities for students throughout Tulare County. Check out the Productions, Classes and Workshops, and OnStage Program links for more information. In addition, Theatre Company staff members are available as a resource and to visit school sites to work with existing classes and programs.

Newsies 2019 3The cast of "King of New York" from TCOE Theatre Company's 2019 production of Newsies.

Stage and Space Collaborative

In 2023, the Theatre Company officially merged with the TCOE Planetarium and Science Center to form a single department. Together, we go by the name "Stage and Space Collaborative." While our partnership might seem unusual, our shared needs for theatrical spaces, public audiences, and projection and sound technology means we have a lot of overlap. We are also excited to find even more ways to engage students through innovative storytelling. If you are interested in seeing a public show at the Planetarium and Science Center, please click HERE for more information.

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TCOE Theatre Company in the news!
Click here to watch a special story from ABC30's Children First series titled “All About the Arts”. It features clips from our Fall 2021 production of Disney's The Lion King Jr. and interviews with performers, our director Bethany Rader, and TCOE’s visual and performing arts curriculum specialist Kate Stover. Check it out for a taste of what the Theatre Company has to offer!