A reception for the third annual Museum Masterpieces: Youth Art Show will be held Thursday, February 27 to debut nearly 400 pieces of student artwork from Porterville area small schools. The opening reception for the student artists will be held from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at the Porterville Historical Museum, located at 257 North D Street in Porterville.
The annual showcase gives young artists the opportunity to have their work displayed in the Main Exhibit Hall of the Porterville Historical Museum throughout Arts Education Month in March. The Museum Masterpieces: Youth Art Show is open to TK-8th grade students in the Porterville area.
Read more in the News Gallery Week.
Also in News Gallery Week:
In partnership with the Downtown Visalia Kiwanis, TCOE’s CHARACTER COUNTS! Program celebrated this winter’s Pursuing Victory with Honor (PVWH) student-athletes at a lunch. The Downtown Visalia Kiwanis recognizes student-athletes, nominated by their coaches, each season for their sportsmanship. The awards included a certificate, patch, and lawn sign that reads "An Athlete of Character Lives Here.”
For more on the students, click here.