The Tulare County Office of Education supports school districts in designing and implementing high-quality, standards-based science education. Customizable support includes strategic planning, professional learning, and instructional coaching all through the lens of improvement science.
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Professional learning services and content coaching are available for multiple science needs and may include, but are not limited to:

  • Strategic planning and professional learning 

  • On-site instructional coaching for science

  • Sense-making in science

  • Lesson study

  • Lesson design

  • Integrated English language development (ELD) with science instruction

  • California Science Test (CAST) assessment development 

  • Implementation of Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework alignment with science instruction

  • Coaching for Continuous Improvement for Equity (CIE) to address closing achievement gaps for all learners

  • Social and emotional learning (SEL) embedded within science teaching

  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) integration 

STEM Staff Development & Curriculum Specialist

Jared Marr
(559) 651-3031 Ext. 3323

Professional Learning Opportunities