Information for Coaches
Event Day Arrival
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the competition will begin promptly at 8:45 a.m. Upon arrival, please escort your students to the Exhibit Hall. Please check in at the registration desk and pick up your packet. Arrive early to ensure you have enough time to review the day's schedule with your students and distribute pencils, nametags, scratch paper, etc. Adults who will be scoring the Pro Bowl tests will report to the San Joaquin A room after the first set of tests have started. Please plan your activities so that you arrive on time.

Student Conduct
In order to maintain proper supervision of students during the competition, please review the following rules with your students.
  • Students are to remain in the Exhibit Hall at all times, including during the break. Lunch must be eaten in the Exhibit Hall.
  • There are two sets of restrooms located near the concession stands adjacent to the Exhibit Hall. Send only two students at a time.
  • Please ask students to use the appropriate trash containers.
Coaches, your help is critical! During breaks and lunch, know where your students are congregating and maintain proper supervision. Caution your students that other activities are taking place in the Visalia Convention Center at the same time as the Math Super Bowl, so everyone must be respectful and courteous.

Lunch will not be provided at this year's competition. Please make plans to bring lunch for your students.

Coaches may bring snacks and/or something to drink for break time. No snacks will be provided.

No alternates will be accepted this year. Please do not bring extra students with you the day of the event.

Students should provide their own non-graphing calculators. Students possessing a graphing calculator during a test will be disqualified. Please make sure calculators are properly labeled in case they are misplaced.

Scoring and Monitoring the Tests
As a coach, you are expected to monitor your students before competition, during breaks/lunch and during the awards ceremony. This year we are not asking for monitors during the testing. TCOE staff will monitor students during testing. However, if you are bringing more than one team, you will still be required to bring at least one adult to help in the scoring room.
    Awards Ceremony
    The awards ceremony will begin at approximately 12:20 p.m. Coaches will be asked to present Power Bowl Honors ribbons to their own school. Please be ready and available to come forward and present at this time.
    5 ways to help your students prepare for Math Super Bowl