Vanessa Vakharia

Central Valley teachers and parents are invited to a free evening workshop on February 4 featuring internationally known math educator and author, Vanessa Vakharia. Vakharia, who founded a math tutoring company called The Math Guru in Toronto, Canada, will present "How to Raise Kids Who are Not Afraid of Math." The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the TCOE Administration Building at 6200 South Mooney Boulevard in Visalia.

Read more in the News Gallery Week.

Also in News Gallery Week: 

Lip Sync returns with “Wild Wild West” theme, teams invited to register to compete; College and Career Readiness partners with state to lead CTE Leadership Development Institute

Profiles in Character
Tulare Fall PVWH

In partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Greater Tulare, TCOE’s CHARACTER COUNTS! Program recognized this fall’s Pursuing Victory with Honor (PVWH) student-athletes at a breakfast on December 3. For 16 years, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Tulare has recognized student-athletes, nominated by their coaches, each season for their sportsmanship. The awards included a certificate, a PVWH patch, a PVWH t-shirt, and a lawn sign that read "An Athlete of Character Lives Here.”

For more on the students, click here.

For more on CHARACTER COUNTS!, click HERE.

For more on Pursuing Victory with Honor, click HERE.

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