WorkFirst is a component of TulareWORKs, a comprehensive welfare-to-work employment and training program designed to promote self-sufficiency for individuals receiving cash aid in Tulare County. Funded by Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency, TulareWORKs provides essential resources and services to children and families experiencing financial hardship, life crises, or barriers to employment. TulareWORKs partners with community organizations such as SEE to minimize employment barriers, provide job skills training, and facilitate additional support services.
Our staff work one-on-one with referred TulareWORKs clients, assessing their skills, experience, and goals to provide compatible paid work experience. In addition, WorkFirst staff also provide comprehensive job readiness training, equipping clients with the soft skills necessary to land an interview, and ultimately, get and keep a job.
The program provides supportive services, including child care and transportation services, allowing parents to continue working to support their families without interruption.
If you live in Tulare County, are receiving cash aid, and are ready to change your life, contact your case worker and ask for a referral today. You can also call SEE's Visalia office at (559) 733-6730, or SEE's Porterville office at (559) 782-4773, for more information about WorkFirst.
Tulare County Office of Education
Tim A. Hire, County Superintendent of Schools
P.O. Box 5091
Visalia, CA 93278-5091
(559) 733-6300