ActVnet is funded and developed by the Tulare County Office of Education. Recognizing the crucial need to enhance safety measures in educational settings, TCOE took the initiative to develop ActVnet. This innovative program serves as a powerful platform, fostering collaboration and coordination between schools and first responders during critical moments. ActVnet is a web-based solution that can be used from any web-enabled device and is intended to improve emergency response processes as well as school safety and security. Schools may use the platform to share crucial site information like shut-off valve locations, school emergency procedures, and personnel details. ActVnet also gives law enforcement real-time access to live camera feeds from school sites, allowing them to immediately gain situational awareness in the case of an emergency. Making real-time communication and coordination between first responders and schools feasible ActVnet’s web-based architecture makes it a useful and adaptable solution that can be utilized on a range of devices, making it a great asset for any department. ActVnet is an innovative school safety program that grew out of the urgent need to improve security in schools and make sure that kids, teachers, and staff are safe. Its main goal is to create a standard of safety with all its partners throughout the region. From the beginning, consistency has been the main goal. ActVnet stands as a testament to the commitment of TCOE and its partners to creating a safer environment for all.
Threat Assessment
Tulare County Office of Education has established a partnership with John Van Dreal of Van Dreal Consulting for threat assessment. This model is to help improve psychological safety and peace of mind by building effective systems for violence prevention, mitigation, and response. The PBTAM training assists in building a sustainable, community-based violence prevention and behavioral threat assessment system composed of school site-based Level 1 teams and a community-based Level 2 team. The Level 1 teams should include school administrators, school-based mental health professionals, and school resource officers. The Level 2 team should include district-level administrators and mental health and assessment practitioners, administrators, and practitioners from community mental health services, representatives from juvenile services and law enforcement, and other community agencies available to support the team.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting
Tulare County Office of Education made the commitment to partner with Sandy Hook Promise to offer various services to schools within Tulare County. The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System (SS-ARS) is a holistic program combining education about the warning signs of potential violence or self-harm with the tools to safely report concerns. This is the only anonymous reporting system in the U.S. that provides training along with a mobile app, website, and hotline – exclusively for schools.
For more information about the School Safety Program, contact Frank Silveira, School Safety Administrator.
Tulare County Office of Education
Tim A. Hire, County Superintendent of Schools
P.O. Box 5091
Visalia, CA 93278-5091
(559) 733-6300