Resource & Referral Services
Resource & Referral Services (R&R) is the link between parents and providers in Tulare County. R&R provides parents with facts about quality care and referrals to a variety of child care options. R&R services are free and available to any parent, regardless of income.
R&R promotes provider and family development by offering workshops, trainings, and networking with various provider and parent groups. To register for a training please visit the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry at
Child Care Initiative Project
The California Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) increases the supply of family child care homes by:
For more information please contact Resource and Referral by email at or by phone at 559-651-0185.
Click here if you're interested in becoming a licensed day care provider!
TrustLine is the California registry of in-home and license-exempt child care providers (babysitters and nannies) who have passed a background check. TrustLine was created by the California Legislature to give parents an important tool to use when selecting a caregiver for their children. It is the only authorized screening program of in-home and license-exempt caregivers in the state with access to fingerprint records at the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI and access to California's Child Abuse Central Index. TrustLine is endorsed by the California Academy of Pediatrics. TrustLine can also be reached at 1-800-822-8490.
Tulare County Early Stars: Quality Counts California
Tulare County Early Stars provides quality improvement support by:
• Providing technical assistance and ongoing individualized coaching support to early care and education providers.
To register for a training please visit the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry at For more information please contact Tulare County Early Stars by email at or by phone at 559-651-0185.
Click here if you are interested in learning more about Tulare County Early Stars.
Tulare County Council on Child & Youth Development
Each county in California has a Local Child Care and Development Planning Council. Tulare County's Council has a maximum of 25 members from five different categories. The members are jointly appointed by the Tulare County Superintendent of Schools and the Tulare County Board of Supervisors, and the membership categories consist of parents, child care providers, public agency representatives, community representatives, and discretionary representatives.
The Council on Child & Youth Development conducts a needs assessment every five years and determines the priorities for child care services based on the needs assessment and current data for children ages birth through age 12.
The Council typically meets quarterly on the second Thursday of the first month of each quarter at 3:00 p.m.
Parents and providers with child care concerns or questions about funding priorities may contact the council manager at (559) 651-1723. For more information, visit the Tulare County Council on Child & Youth Development website.