Career Technical Education Credential Program

Purpose of Career Technical Education 

Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers provide students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. In total, approximately 12.5 million high school and college students are enrolled in CTE across the nation. To teach CTE courses, one must have work experience in a specific subject, or industry sector, and hold a three-year Preliminary Designated Subjects CTE Credential.

Career Technical Education Program Overview

The CTE Credentialing Program is a Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved program that delivers services under Tulare County Office of Education’s (TCOE) New Teacher & Leadership Development (NTLD). As an approved program for the Designated Subjects CTE Credential, the program verifies that preliminary requirements are met and makes credential recommendations on behalf of the preliminary candidate. The Preliminary CTE Credential is issued by the CTC for three years and authorizes the candidate to teach one or more subjects in the industry sector named on the credential. The CTE credential authorizes the candidate to teach in grades 12 and below and in career technical, trade, or vocational courses organized primarily for adults. The program also offers a clear CTE credential pathway for preliminary CTE credentialed holders, which includes a series of sequenced coursework and clinical practice that prepares the candidate to become an effective teacher.

For more information on the Career Technical Education Program, please contact:

Courtney Kirchman, Program Manager
(559) 624-1035

Perla Arredondo, Recruitment Analyst 
(559) 624-1035

Upcoming CTE Information Meetings

Take the first step and attend a CTE Information Meeting. The meetings are free and are offered online. To review the dates and register for an upcoming information meeting, click on the flyer below.

Industry Sectors

Do you have work experience in one of the 15 CTC approved industry sectors? If so, obtaining a CTE credential would allow you to use your work experience to teach students in courses aligned with your industry sector. For more information on the CTE sectors, please click on the graphic below.

Click on this document to learn more about CTE Sectors