In-School Youth

SEE partners with various schools districts in the Porterville/Lindsay and surrounding areas to offer selected students between 120 - 180 hours of paid work experience.

To qualify for SEE's In-School Youth (ISY) program, you must be: 

  1. A junior or senior attending any high school within the Porterville/Lindsay and surrounding areas; and  
  2. Referred by staff at your school; and 
  3. Be low income or live in a low-income area; and 
  4. Be one of the following: 
  • Basic skills deficient (with proof from your school)
  • English language learner (with proof from your school)
  • Involved or formerly involved in the juvenile justice system 
  • Homeless
  • Runaway 
  • In foster care, aged out of foster care, or left foster care for kinship guardianship or adoption 
  • Pregnant or parenting 
  • Disabled 
  • An individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program or secure and hold employment 

Do you meet the qualifications listed above? If so, please scan the QR code in the flyer below!

Don't meet this program's qualifications? We can still help! Please call (559) 788-1417 to ask about other programs and services you may be qualified for.

Youth Flyer with QR Code