Psychological Services strives to create positive, safe and enriching learning environments for students, staff, and schools. This is achieved through evidence-based practices that promote positive school climates and support student variability and through a culture of continuous improvement.
Psychological Services staff is comprised of school psychologists and Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA). Our staff have knowledge and expertise in areas of learning, behavior, social-emotional learning, and school systems. When knowledge and skills are applied, we see positive student outcomes academically, socially, behaviorally and emotionally.
Our team provides direct and indirect services. The following services are available to students, staff and families:
Our psychological services staff serve students ages 0-22. Our school psychologists work in school settings and in center-based programs, serving and supporting the needs of students with mild-moderate to moderate-severe disabilities as well as general education students.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SWPBIS) is a framework or approach comprised of intervention practices and organizational systems for establishing the social culture, learning, and teaching environment and individual behavior supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students. SWPBIS is NOT a curriculum, intervention, or program, but IS a decision-making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students.
For further information regarding training or services, please contact Psychological Services at (559) 730-2910, ext. 5164.
Joe Martinez, Director
(559) 730-2910, ext. 5164
Tulare County Office of Education
Tim A. Hire, County Superintendent of Schools
P.O. Box 5091
Visalia, CA 93278-5091
(559) 733-6300